by Cameron and Nash
Many years ago, two of the most powerful figures on both sides of the reformation fought each other face to face. In October of 1518, a protestant named Martin Luther was summoned to Rome to face the might of the Roman Catholic church. He was given an opportunity to speak about his beliefs before Cardinal Cajetan, a dedicated and wise cardinal in the Catholic church. Their disagreements degenerated into a shouting match. To simulate this event, two teams were selected to represent the two sides of this conflict in a contest using the ancient art form of rap battle. They were to use the 42 points written by Cajetan to counter the ninety-five theses written by Martin Luther. Representing Martin Luther were the Spanish Royals. Cardinal Cajetan was represented by Rome, very fittingly. The two victims were given a week to prepare. On Wednesday, February fourth, the two teams performed their rap battle in front of all of 6-7-8. And, of course, they were costumed. Though no clear winner arose, it was an exciting and educational experience for all involved.
Many years ago, two of the most powerful figures on both sides of the reformation fought each other face to face. In October of 1518, a protestant named Martin Luther was summoned to Rome to face the might of the Roman Catholic church. He was given an opportunity to speak about his beliefs before Cardinal Cajetan, a dedicated and wise cardinal in the Catholic church. Their disagreements degenerated into a shouting match. To simulate this event, two teams were selected to represent the two sides of this conflict in a contest using the ancient art form of rap battle. They were to use the 42 points written by Cajetan to counter the ninety-five theses written by Martin Luther. Representing Martin Luther were the Spanish Royals. Cardinal Cajetan was represented by Rome, very fittingly. The two victims were given a week to prepare. On Wednesday, February fourth, the two teams performed their rap battle in front of all of 6-7-8. And, of course, they were costumed. Though no clear winner arose, it was an exciting and educational experience for all involved.