Wednesday, October 21 and Thursday, October 22
Sign up for a 2015 Parent-Teacher-Student Conference today by following the link below. Please allow 45 minutes for your student's conference. Students are required to attend.
Parent-Student-Teacher Conferences Survey 2015
Please note that you will not receive a confirmation email. Confirm your conference by checking the conference schedule below. This schedule will be updated every other day.
Parent / Teacher / Student Conference Schedule 2015
Please address your questions or concerns to Ms. Brinks-Detzer
Note for Grassley Lit families only: Marion Grassley will only be available for conferences on Wednesday, October 21st. Please take this into consideration when scheduling your conferences.
Parent-Student-Teacher Conferences Survey 2015
Please note that you will not receive a confirmation email. Confirm your conference by checking the conference schedule below. This schedule will be updated every other day.
Parent / Teacher / Student Conference Schedule 2015
Please address your questions or concerns to Ms. Brinks-Detzer
Note for Grassley Lit families only: Marion Grassley will only be available for conferences on Wednesday, October 21st. Please take this into consideration when scheduling your conferences.